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5 Tips on How to Deal with Anger

Troubled by the way your anger controls you rather than you controlling it? Looking for how to control anger? Try Meditation!

Learning to Manage Anger

Everybody experiences anger in different ways. Some get red in the face and boil like a tea kettle, while some hold in their anger and ruminate. And for the most part, no one enjoys the experience of anger. While it may feel immediately satisfying to release the volcanic energy of rage, the aftermath can result in feelings of depression and self-loathing.

By first understanding the root cause of anger, we can adopt simple habits that help us learn to manage the emotion before our next eruption. When we learn how to understand anger, we can learn how to deal with anger.

Understanding Anger

Do you ever have a hard time accepting imperfection in the people around you? Often, we see flaws in others and immediately feel angry, annoyed, and impatient, expecting that they should adhere to our notions of perfection. However, have you ever considered that your notions of what is right may not be fair to place on others?

When we feel angry, we enter into a state that lacks awareness. The first step is to become of our feelings and realize that anger cannot remove the imperfections in others. In fact, by feeling angry at what we cannot change we only harm and cause stress to our own minds.

How to Deal With Anger

The next step in understanding our anger is to know that only when we are able to accept a situation as it is, can we correct it with awareness. Easier said than done, right? It is never easy to deal with the mind or emotions directly, as wanting to change our emotions can lead to more frustration, rather than peace. This is where yogic anger-management techniques can help!


You Are What You Eat!

Have you noticed that on certain days you feel very calm and relaxed, and on some days very restless? The food you eat greatly affects your mind and your emotions. Certain types of food bring restlessness in the mind and body, and avoiding such food will help you to control anger. Spicy, oily, and non-vegetarian foods all increase heat in the body, which directly correlates to feelings of anger and annoyance.



Experience The Power Of Rest!

Tiredness and restlessness in the body can lead to irritation and agitation in the mind. Sleeping for at least 6-8 hours a day is necessary for emotional health.



Yoga for Anger – Yoga Twists and More

Ten to fifteen minutes of yoga asanas help remove restlessness from your body. Practicing yoga rather than normal physical exercise allows you to synchronise the mind with the breath, thus increasing your energy levels along and calming the entire system. Yoga calms the mind and emotions, allowing us to think clearly and be a witness to our feelings. And when we enter into a state of observation, we are better able to understand why we feel the way we feel.



Breathing techniques such as Bhastrika (Bellows Breath) and Nadi Shodhan (Alternate Nostril Breathing) help reduce restlessness in the mind. When the mind is calm and quiet, agitation is less likely.

Simply taking deep breaths can also have a profound effect on the emotions. The moment you become angry, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths and observe the change in your state of mind. Breath releases stress and instantly calms the mind and body.



Regular yoga practice, pranayama, and attention to food help to settle the restlessness in the mind and body. However, to see a profound reduction in your levels of anger over time, mediation is key. Just twenty minutes of daily meditation is sufficient to keep anger at bay for the entire day.


  1. Take a break: If you’re feeling angry, it can be helpful to step away from the situation and give yourself some time to cool down.
  2. Practice relaxation techniques: Deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and meditation can all help to calm your body and mind and reduce feelings of anger.
  3. Identify the cause of your anger: Try to understand what’s behind your anger and what needs are not being met. This can help you find more effective ways to deal with the situation.
  4. Use “I” statements: When communicating about the things that are causing you anger, try to use “I” statements to express your feelings and needs. For example, instead of saying “You’re being so unreasonable,” try saying “I feel frustrated when I feel like my needs aren’t being considered.”
  5. Seek professional help: If your anger is causing problems in your relationships or daily life, consider seeking help from a mental health professional. They can help you understand the causes of your anger and develop more effective coping strategies.

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