Meditation Astro

unfolding More ABOUT ME

Lets talk to guide your life towards a change of balance with bliss ,peace and well being

I have felt that we can transform the state of being and with pure energy we can certainly bring sat, chit, ananda , that is pure consciousness with blissful blessing . I am filled with grattitue to the cosmic source for everything that I am offering here and deeply moved and grateful with bowing down to whole world  to unfold a moment of my life with this counselling session bringing astrology and meditation together .it is the expression of consciousness by human physiology. Time has been so beautifully defined in Vedic System  and we are just unfolding the very vibration of time and frequency.





As a quest to know life is Fortune ( Bhagya) or Karma I began to unfold the quest of knowing self and this has led me fathom the profoundness of life. 
as a vocation profession I am involved in  in Prefab / Steel structure Green and Energy Efficient building as a Profession.
Have developed and experimented multiple web / online business before .
– Looking for growth and networking on Agrotech Business.
– Online Nepali-Sanskrit Language Learning platform.
– Help2self a site to motivate and inspire to seek the goal of life.
– Herbs/ Ayurvedic product Research and how it helps in vitality of life 
– Blogging, writing perspective on life and its dimension and how to find the flowering of it  about Planetgloss.

The very fundamental nature of human being is it want to manifest and express in the best form it can.People  often say that they want to become something in life .I think, Becoming is not truly goal , the expression of human emotion after being in that state is what plays in the background. it is like we sow the seed in the ground but the back ground is seeds got nurtered by soil so it started to germinate.

Similarly for us we wanted to become but the germination of our seed sometime takes place quickly because we sowed in the fertile soil of our creativity . Sometime seeds doesn’t grow but rather turn more dry which is the reason we feel disappointed .

If we understand things deeply then there is nothing in life where we get failed. It is all about our assumption and presumption that we are failing ,we are losing because it is an abstract idea. the very thing that is happening for everyone’s life is it is  glowing at the expense of dying in each moment.

I was earlier talking about how to express , How to define the goal in life.


Now :

Love and Compassion the foundational seed of Human connection we can offer . Futuristic in Professional / New way of Connecting. Can collaborate with people who are interested in sharing and exchaing knowledge insight in Vedic Ashtang Yog and Meditation and Spiritual flowering and Life Energy. Unfolding the every split moment of life completely with new experiences. I think Genius is an experience. Over the period time, the experience brings the dexterity in us the constant metaphoric reflection and projection of my set of beliefs and conviction.


It is like we sow the seed in the ground but the back ground is seeds got nurtered by soil so it started to germinate. I think, Becoming is not truly goal , the expression of human emotion after being in that state is what plays in the background.

Life: I am ever eternal. My Body- Five (Physical,Mental, Emotional, Conscious and Bliss Body) State of Mind: dual striving the effortless effot for non- duality.

इदं कृतमिदं नेति
द्वंद्वैर्मुक्तं यदा मनः।
निरपेक्षं तदा भवेत्॥१६-

When mind is free from confusion of doing and not doing, it does not desire righteousness, wealth, or liberation. Seeking , Rummaging and Circumventing in Life the very intrinsic conscience of Consciousness (Life): Destiny is ahead with the equation of manifestation of these dimensions of life . Here i express. I am the consciousness of universal plan. Identities in the life have been the biggest search and wandering in human life implicitly or explicitly and we tend to keep changing every now and then, am predicate or variable which is transitory. I am the ripple of hearable and non-hearable sound and thought projection. Namste You can dm at

I would primarily like to flow on this communication of vibration with the following notions: If we see, if we perceive something in a form it becomes simple manifestation but again if we conceive it with its profoundness, with deep gaze, with great wonder, with a deeper we find that in absolute mystery. If something has name it is not eternally truth because name is attribute, it is function of class. Unnamed is the eternally real truth. Name has its own attributes, class, function but Emptiness is not only empty but it has another dimension of wholeness, completeness. How does Life begin? Where does it end? Where are WE now? Why do We Quest to unfold the dimension of Life? Because To realize the beauty we have within our self to construct a whole world with being in harmony and in symphony of tune. If we are in great chaos how could we contribute to create harmonization so Certainly it is important to help our self before we start a journey of helping others with true feeling of generosity and We have (in-tuition- inner tutor ) to enlighten and move forward in Life.

I presume that many of us are now beginning to explore notions of what other name or attribute are guiding us, the concept of connection with unnamed, formless, unbounded, timeless, void , empty and absolutely nothingness. I also envision and recognize, however, that your domain of World is going through a great transformation of unfolding the life, a great transformation of experience of consciousness, and a great transcendence from complexity to simplicity.

To me, this is really the most important of the my perspective , that you yourselves have more and more interaction and connection with your true selves…with your core being, with your essential spirituality and consciousness, more than the idea of desiring to interact with external world of beings.

This will happen, as you say, as par for the course, in your language, but the idea is that the most likely way that this will come about, the most likely way that you will allow such interactions to take place is, as we have said from time to time…to meet our self- half way.
No others are going to do it for you, They are not going to take responsibility for your lives, as they have their own lives to live and interact, there is nothing wrong in it .No need to grumble about it, We all have the same time and in nature what happens is when something occupies space a particular moment it can’t co-exist in another space at the same given time –the impenetrability of physical objects has its own limitation as well as it is an advantage to find out and discover more of self too.

The idea, therefore, however, is that we do wish to play, we do wish to interact …but as equals, by reflecting to each and every one of us, in all the ways that are possible to do so, through this particular methodology, that you yourselves are in fact equal to whole other us, You are doing something because you are doing it for other. Everything we take action has effect on others so it is to bearded in mind that If We help our self in recognizing our aspirations then it helps other too that surrounds us. All animate and non-animate objects around us. We need to recharge to rejoice in life with great symphony of motivation. Vibration of Sound, Interaction gets you back in touch with your true core, essential selves, so that you can function in the way that you were designed by Creation to function and that is as a reflection of the Infinite, unfound Entropy of Consciousness.
When you learn…when you allow, when you remember to do that for yourselves, you will change the vibration of not only yourself, individually, but, of course, of the entire reality that you occupy and by changing that frequency in much the same way that you change the channels on your television machine… you will change the program that you get.

By changing that frequency, by accelerating it, by multiplexing your thought signal with higher carrier frequency of natural law …by stepping it up through the method of being more yourself,
Getting closer in alignment to your true, core, vibration, you will create a reality that makes it more likely and more probable and more possible, for any other being that operates on a similar level, to be able to interact with each and every one of you, individually and collectively,
but first and foremost, the people you must meet, the “stranger” you must come into contact with are those portions of your consciousness, that have for thousands of years been suppressed within you and have become disguised in the idea of fear, in the idea of denial…in the idea of all of these fragmentations that have occurred in your consciousness.

We are not in any way, shape or form, judging you in a negative sense, everything around cosmos is showing great tenderness in us. They are in very striving to help unfold ourselves.
The idea really is that the reason we are doing this, in a sense, aside from what we get out of interacting with you, is because we know what you are capable of, we can see more of you then you allow yourselves to see of yourselves, it is easy for us to see the idea of the totality of what you can create in your reality, we believe in you, utterly…absolutely and totally.

So, the ideas that we will most likely be discussing are notions of how to become more of yourself, how to remember who you are and not just on a philosophical level, but on a pragmatic, practical physiological level of physics… how to apply these principles into your day to day reality to get an effect, for we understand that just as we are…you are physiological beings and you must understand how to connect the idea of consciousness and brain with body in order to complete the circuit that allows us to have the experience of spirituality in the physical plane and not just relegate the concepts of spirituality to higher philosophical and etheric realms with no practical application in the realm you decided to experience. For there is nothing unspiritual about physicality, it all depends on how you perceive it.It’s important we are clear about it.
To a very great degree, to put this in a very simplistic idea or foundational fashion: “One of the greatest acts of spirituality that you can possibly achieve is to simply live your physical life to the fullest that you can”.
And this brings us to the crux and critical point of the things that we wish to reflect to each and every one of you. The critical point is this:
How to discover the vibrational frequency of who you are. How to allow yourself to continue to create that frequency moment to moment…day to day…in your life, as you desire to…as you choose to.

However, of course, others’ belief in you is not the point. Your belief in yourselves is the only thing that will make a difference and create an ability for you to see for yourselves, that you really are unlimited beings in the way that you were fashioned to be.
So, while I may address from time to time the concept of interaction, and recognition of what you label us to be, as “extraterrestrial beings”, we will certainly take time to focus on what we believe to be the more critical and important point and that is getting in touch with your true selves.

For if you do not allow yourselves to be who you really are, there’s no one for us to meet…you’re not home! We come knocking on the door and you’re not there! You’re off somewhere looking for who you think you’re supposed to be and there’s no answer at the door!

So, in order for us to be capable, one day, of meeting, not that that is the most important reason to do this, we urge you to discover who you are and live in the present…here and now, because only in the here and now will we eventually meet.

Some of the fundamental elements of physical reality so that you can get, as you say in your language, a better handle on these principles. But for now we will give you an overview, an understanding,
So that you will at least from this encounter, walk away with all the basics in place and allow yourself the understanding to know that it is up to you to put these things into practical application in your lives.

The first principle, really, where this is all concerned, comes down to the idea, and you have heard it many times, we’re not saying we’re delivering this to you for the first time, it has been around for thousands of your years… “Follow your excitement”.
Why is this so important?
Why do you hear about this all the time?
Why do you hear that follow your bliss…act on you joy is such an important principle of life at this time?

Of course…of course,
All of this must be based in unconditional love, connection of your alignment with the Infinite, but in terms of the beginning of the tools that you can use in your physiological reality, following your excitement is of paramount importance and I will tell you why.

The idea following is this:
What you typically call the sensation of excitement… the physical sensation of joy… (and this doesn’t mean you have to be jumping up and down all the time), it can be a peaceful…centered…relaxed sense of beingness, that can be excitement too, but that vibration of excitement is…
Aah…are you paying attention? Are you paying attention? All right, just wanting to be sure there is someone receiving on the other end of this transmission…

People have lots of theories to become  this or that . How to become that which you have not become. How to not become that what you have become already . How can we shift our stories? . When we start to change it , it becomes more ugly, and It is very innate nature of human being , it finds its expression in aesthetics, beauty , love , higher virtue of quality .

As the regards expression , I feel truly that a saint walking in the temple to the peddler walking in the street , a toddler walking in the room  , a farmer  walking in the farmland or a taboo breaking lady walking in the ramp with her exceptional fashion and robe are all the expression of their stories or human emotion in the form of action .

When we are not clear about how we wanted to express we feel that we are not so content with what we are doing. Finding an expression of life is the very goal of life. So How we wanted to express is the first knowing We need to work out , I presume so.

The only way for you or any to reach this place of understanding of this life experience, in the context in which it was intended, is to reconnect with who you are – to gain that sense of the overall picture – sense of the, I am and why I am here.

Spiritual Focus

Start your path to change your life in a balanced way.


As Life has its own shape and size for each individual so there can’t be a defining equation which can fit for all the individual holistically in one linear dimension.


Very Perspective of Life is just the seeds that is growing in us.We are living in same earth with different plane of causation.


Namaste and Greetings from the land of Himalaya |Nepal | We would like to resonate with that frequency and engergy fiield where who can vibrate at higest expression is possible.

"Write me, so that we can start your change of life towards happiness"

The Meditation, Astronomy & Yoga spiritual development center is the best to date that I have experienced in the last few months. It has a very human and hospitable capacity when it comes to dealing with your needs, and its rates are also quite reasonable.
Exploring the Cosmos: A Journey Through Astrology and Meditation”
“Meditating with the Stars: Using Astrology to Enhance Your Practice”
“The Power of Astrology and Meditation: Harmonizing Mind, Body and Spirit”
“Astrology Meets Mindfulness: A Guide to Combining the Two for a deeper understanding”
“The Cosmic Connection: How Astrology and Meditation Can Improve Your Life”
“Astrology and Meditation: Navigating the Universe Within”
“Aligning with the Stars: A Beginner’s Guide to Astrology and Meditation”
“The Universe Within: Harnessing the Power of Astrology and Meditation for Self-Discover Lets unfold the quest of life through self-mirroring. 
