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Hinduism’s Spiritual Growth


Bowing to the heavy demand of matters related to Vaastu this is an attempt to bring forward some general points of Vaastu which could be of some benefit to many:
The following are some of the Vastu-logically correct principles of house making and design. Please note that like most of the ancient sciences, some of the knowledge that is contained in these principles may not be of any relevance at present times. However, the very basic of Vastu principles will always continue to be beneficial to the mankind in one form or the other.

The basic principles are:
* If you are in the process of buying a plot or site, please remember that plots/sites in South West, South & West directions are more advantageous than others.
* According to Vaastu, the most beneficial entrances in the house are those in North East, East or North direction.
* Living Room or the dining room is best looked in East, North & Northeast directions.
* The bedroom according to Vaastu should be in southwest/south or west direction.
* The children’s bedroom should ideally be in Northwest. It could be in Southeast & North as well but never in southwest or south.
* If you are fortunate enough in present times to have the luxury of having a separate room for the guests, make the guestroom in Northwest or northeast direction.
* The kitchen of the house is ideally located in Southeast followed by Northwest & East.
* Bathrooms & Toilets should be in Northwest of the house or in West or South direction.
* While purchasing a plot or a site, it is advisable to go in for a rectangular or square shape. As far as possible, the site should be slopping towards North & East or Northeast.
* While making the building or the house, it is advisable to have equal open space on all four sides. The levels of open spaces should be higher in South & West side and lower in North & East side. Outlets of rainwater should be in Northeast or North zones.
* The living room of the central zone (Brahmasthan) should be free from any kind of obstructions. By obstructions, we mean any kind of beam, pillar, fixture, toilet, staircase or even a wall or lift.
* The direction in which you sleep is also very important. One should never sleep with head in the north. Sleeping with head towards south ensures long life. While on a journey, it is advisable to sleep with head towards west.
* In your study room, have your seat so as to face east or north. Do not have a toilet in the study room, though you can have a bathroom.
* Do not use a dark color in the study room. Use yellow or white or pink. Put the book shelf in east or north.
* If you construct more than a floor, prepare the first floor on Southwest. The height of first floor shall not exceed that of ground floor. Do not build a storeroom on first floor.
* It is said that a storeroom in the Northwest corner leads to abundant supply of essential commodities. Keep a holy picture on one eastern wall. Light colours should not be used on the storeroom. Use dark colours or blue or green. Never sleep in the storeroom at night. Also refrain from taking out grains from the storeroom in night.
* The bathroom/bathrooms can be either inside or outside the house. In case it is inside, it should be located on the eastern or northern side. (If attached to a bedroom, then to eastern or northern side of the bedroom). When located outside, then it should be in Northeast corner, but away from the main building. The lavatories are forbidden in Northeast, Center, Southwest and West directions of the house.
* Vaastu Shastra also guides us about what type of plants and trees should be planted around a dwelling unit so as to enjoy their positive properties the most.
* Vaastu does not prescribe having a Mango, Banana or a Jamun tree very near your house. However Peepal at some distance from the house in West direction is considered auspicious as is Imli in South West of the house.
*It is also auspicious to have an Anaar, Ashoka, Chandan, Champa, Chameli,Gulaab , Nariyal & Keshar tree around a house.
* On the size & shape of the door , Vaastu advises that width of the door should be half of the height of the door. Square doors as also automatic doors should be avoided.
* The Paintings / Statues in the house are also important. One should not have pictures depicting war scenes (even if they belong to the Epic Mahabharata or Ramayan battles) in rooms other than the office. Similarly scenes depicting negativities of life like sorrow, struggle, violence (including that of wild beasts), tragedy and of calamities.

According to the Vishwakarma, the celestial architect, Lord Brahma was the first recepient of this knowledge from Lord Shiva as a part of the Vedas, just like He received the knowledge of Jyotish. Vaastu Shastra as is practised presently is based on the 125 verses contained in Brihat Samhita of Varahamihira. This very point indicates the vital link between Jyotish and Vaastu. Unfortunately, what the standard Vaastu experts are applying today is the use of temple architecture in homes and offices. There is a need to use the Astakavarga and other charts of Vedic Astrology along with Vaastu principles for every individual home, provided this is to be designed for a particular person to occupy for a long period. If instead flats and apartments are being designed for the general public, then the standard principles can be used

Details of Rahu in Libra (Tula) and Ketu in Aries (Mesh)

Rahu in Libra is a sign of balance and harmony in the native’s life as a whole. It also gives stability in regard to the affections; the gratification of noble desires is shown in all things. The native has a fine intellect as well as great courage. Progress will be rapid; and wealth as well as honor will be acquired. Rahu in Libra is favourable for the children and for the family ties.

Ketu in Aries is often a sign of lack of conscience, or, at all events, of inconsequence. The native acts too precipitately; what he has decided to do must be done forthwith, and this leads to want of due reflection, which is detrimental to his affairs. He may suffer material losses, or experience trouble in other directions, due to his lack of cautiousness. This position inclines to fits of anger, but also gives great physical courage; and if the horoscope generally is good, Ketu in Aries will not be so unfortunate.
Rahu in Libra implies spiritual integration which comes from moving from self to others; from personality levels to the soul levels. Emphasis should be on loving others and getting away from self-love.

Ketu in Aries means an over-assertion of self has been the problem in the past, and personality should become the servant of others in this lifetime.

This nodal position requires much learning about self-sacrifice and the needs of other people. All the lifetimes of work spent on building self-confidence and esteem must now be transferred to others. The Libra Rahu keeps the individual from adding to his sense of self-identity any further. He must guard against strong ego influencing his current life actions.
His long-standing me-first attitude now brings him sharp and painful experiences as he is learning the lessons of co-operation. He must slow down and make sure that all he works for is meaningful, in his marriage and close partnerships as well as all his relations with others. He has to learn to take the sharp edges out of his life and start to balance. While the center road seems less attractive to him, it is still the only path he can have towards happiness.

Ultimately he must learn the very subtle lesson that his strong pioneering individualism isn’t actually meant for himself at all, but rather to equip him better so that he can provide others with a more harmonious life. Many individuals with these Nodes have a tendency to be contrary. The experience of listening to other people is a new one which they find objectionable when they feel it hampers their forward motion.

In past incarnations, progress was all-important, and getting there first was part of the highly competitive Arien drive. This carries over into a definite closed-mindedness which the Libra Rahu will ultimately open, showing to the individual the other side of the coin which he had never before thought was important enough to recognize.

Selfishness and vanity of all sorts must be curbed unless the individual wishes to find himself alone. Usually he feels himself being driven towards something, yet he doesn’t understand what or why. Through the Libra Rahu, he is now to reconsider his goals and objectives so that his Arian energy is put to some useful purpose.

He changes his mind often; and allegiance to a single cause is not one of his finer attributes. Past incarnations have made him accustomed to a constant impatient restlessness that still has a tendency to keep him on the move. He knows that he is to give rather than to receive in the current life, yet he finds it difficult to cope with such karma with his full heart.

The Martian quality of the Ketu impatiently pushes him in new directions. Upon arrival at each destination, however, he finds the gossamer cloud of Libra in the middle of the seesaw, and is surprised to see that hte goal was not a goal at all, nor was the destination the end of the journey. Puzzled and confused, he sits in the middle, trying to evaluate the circumstances which he hopes will point the way towards his next successful drive. And yet each goal, each ambition, each sprint of running and striving brings him to Libra – the half-way point!

Finally, out os sheer exhaustion he makes the amazing realization that the second half of the journey involves other people. He is to learn the karmic lesson that he is not alone. Until he learns to share, something always comes up to put the brakes on his efforts. Eventually he is brought to the realization that winning or losing the game is much less important than the fairness with which it is played.

Many individuals with these Nodes are highly opinionated as a result of selfish or bigoted past-life attitudes. Now it is time for the shoe to be worn on the other foot. Much of the current life’s events are painful blows to the ego. The individual has to guard against becoming embittered as he sees many of his own wants and desires being taken away from him and given to others. At first his natural tendency is to be jealous. He wants to fight back for all those things he feels he has lost; yet the more he fights, the more he loses. Eventually, drained of much of hie inner resources, he must surrender his selfish ego and accept living in a world built on sharing.

Until he overcomes his Ketu, his biggest frustration is the witnessing of other people receiving all for which he himself had wished. He doesn’t quite yet undersand how this works, and is puzzled at why all the things he has ever wanted are coming to people around him and yet not to himself. He hardly realizes that all his desires, wants and wishes are actually designed for others.

He is mentally energizing the wishes of people around him so that he can ultimately be an instrument for their fulfillment. In actuality, he is earning himself a new place in the world by living through the karma of selflessness. Still, the insistent urges of the Ketu keep pulling him backwards, often making him feel that this is a lesson he would rather not yet learn.
He must try to resist past-life tendencies to make waves, for he is now capable of witnessing disharmonies between people without taking sides. Often he is thrown into the position of referee, whereby in helping others to become more objective, he in fact helps himself. The more he can get others to co-operate, the more he can learn to do it himself.
Underneath all the hustle and bustle, this individual is learning to see hte consequences ofhis actions before taking them. In effect, he must learn to look before he leaps!

For many with this Nodal position, there is a deep-seated anger coming out of past-life memories of frustrations which block the self-expression.

In this life, th ere is usually a very pleasing physical appearance, which is part of the karmic lesson in vanity that the Aries Ketu is here to overcome. Any narcissistic residue also causes difficulty in marriage as this is the battleground where the war between love of another and needs of the self must be fought.

The balance between Aries / Mars and Libra / Venus is a difficult one to achieve. The Aries Ketu constantly seeks to assert its needs, while the Libra Rahu needs nothing for itself but to love others, regardless of their demands. This individual can feel love for others best only after his own needs are fulfilled.

Until the desires of past incarnations are left behind, the incessant pulling of his subconscious demands continues to be so strong that he has a tendency to drain energy from other people, actually putting them to sleep. In effect, he is a walking anaesthetic, constantly wondering why people avoid talking with him for more than a few minutes. He would like to talk for hours, if only to continue the focus of attention on himself. But in his private moments, he is deeply saddened by a sense of loneliness and the knowledge that his relationships with others are so far short of what he would like them to be.

There is nothing subtle about this Nodal polarity. Happiness comes only after he is forced to re-evaluate his desires and truly discovers that they involve other people. The ego-self must be abandoned, and with it a heightened sensitivity to the needs of others acquired.



The Libra Rahu is one of the most difficult to achieve because the Aries sel-flove looms as such a large hurdle to overcome. Still, the individual must overcome if there is to be a new cycle for him; and he will find the key to this new cycle as he begins to reflect back upon himself through the eyes of others.

The house position of the Ketu indicates the area where insatiable desires of past incarnations are still demanding priority. The house position of the Rahu shows how fulfillment can be reached through self-sacrifices, co-operation and the expression of unselfish love to others.

You need to learn to co-operate and get along better with others. Your Aries Ketu may reply ‘Yeah, but they never want to go along with my plans’.

Your problems may include that you have an exaggerated need to prove yourself; that you tend to be uncomfortable; and that, because of your upbringing, you’ve come to place too high a value on assertiveness.

Possible solutions: Stabilize your relationships in terms of five and take. Learn to differentiate between caring and controlling. Learn to let others have a chance to decide for themselves. Stifle your need for others, and look out for yourself.

Ketu in Aries often complains of having been forced into something which has irrevocably fouled up his or her life. This could be a too-early marriage, a career, a specific mode of behavior, etc.. In any case, he or she, as a result of this experience, justifies his or her reluctance to co-operate in other areas. Aries Ketu generally hasn’t developed his or her ability to commit himself or herself in a long-term situation. He or she wants fast results. If these aren’t forthcoming, co-operation is curtailed.

Aries Ketu is also generally unwilling to take responsibility for hte effects of his or her actions on other people. He or she is sometimes unwilling to share. The Aries Ketur generally wants exclusive rights to the things in which he or she is interested. He or she feels that future well-being depends on immediate gratification and success. However, goals can often be attained only when the Libra Rahu’s ability to co-operate is tapped and developed.

Signs of an over-balanced Aries Ketu are: high blood pressure; impulsiveness; hyperactivity; a cold, critical attitude towards others’ accomplishments; argumentativeness; a tendency to brag about accomplishments and be a poor loser; an insistence on leading; an unco-operative attitude; difficulty in finishing what he or she has started; and boredom or a short attention span.

Rahu in Libra dreams of happiness and harmony. He or she would like to be known as a very sociable person. Others play a very important role in this person’s dreams. In contrast, this is an enthusiastic, emotionally active person whose selfisheness may interfere with social interaction and harmony in general.

Antidotes for Libra imbalance: The client should be advised to get a complete beauty treatment, including new hair style, in preparation for devloping a new lifestyle. Even men can benefit from a new hairstyle. Likewise, shopping for a new wardrobe or new furnishings can be a beneficial antidote, as any purchase would tend to remind the client that a new lifestyle is beginning. For best results, color selection should be geared to the imbalance. Dancing is a good antidote.

If the client has any physical symptoms, a medical check-up should be advised, since this is another one of the imbalances that’s most capable of triggering illness. Boating, cruises, and water sports can be helpful antidotes.

The client should be advised to consciously seek out activities that stress partnership and teamwork, rather than trying to do everything himself or herself.

If career advice is sought, the following could be recommended if other factors in the chart show aptitude: hairdresser or barber, artist, interior decorator, lawyer, stewardess or pilot.
Previous incarnation for this person was spent with a lot of physical actions, temper and aggression. He had, in that life, achieved and lost many things as he could not learn to understand the significance of balance. In this life time, he will definitely learn and be able to use the concept of balance as applied to ‘soul growth’.

Everything he undertakes in this life will have a definite sense of justice, priority and deeper significance. His diplomatic talents are well worth noting in this life. He will achieve things without fighting for them; and often others will surrender to him just by his senses and magnetism. Utilization of mental energies is strongly noticed in this person in this life. Although he may not be after material success, he always manages to be plentiful in that respect.

You may have to learn about the value of relationship co-operation and how you can give to satisfy others’ needs. Be less self-preoccupied with your needs, and focus on how relationships can become more meaningful and harmonious through co-operation, rather than preserving selfish attitudes.

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