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Hinduism’s Spiritual Growth. Part 2

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You can experience a competitive drive, but this powerful individualism and pioneering spirit is available not just to benefit you. It also enables you to give more to others. There is much in life waiting for you to recognize its presences; and you would benefit by taking time to listen to others who can reveal aspects of life that you had never previously registered or considered of any value.

It is futile driving yourself onward when you do not know why or what objective you seek. Perhaps stop and re-evalutate your distinction, then direct energy toward a definite purpose. You may feel restless and impatient, changing your mind less often and finding fewer difficulties being focused. You consider each new prospecive direction, but rarely know what you are looking for. Each direction you take may eventually seem unfulfilling – a cul-de-sac or a destination which allows little rest or permanence. What you may need to realize is that others are needed for you to complete your journey. Until you learn how to share and give, each aim achieved can only fail to satisfy, because it is not meant for you alone.

Indeed, you may pass through phases when it appears that life is against you, meeting many painful confrontations which chip away at your egocentric approach. It may appear that you fail to attain your desires, and it becomes frustrating to see others making successful progress. Even though you apply greater effort, your aims seem to move further away. Attitudes and values may need transforming, so that efforts are less directed toward yoru solitary benefit and more toward the benefit of others. Instead of feeling envious of a friend’s success, you should be pleased. Until you base your life on co-operative sharing – and, in a sense, turn it around – then your desires may remain frustrated. You will probably resist this lesson, but this would be your free choice, expressing your contrary nature. The eventual consequences would be self-created.

In social relationships, you often assume a role as ‘mediator’, and have to learn how to aid others to resolve problems without taking sides. In these experineces, you will discover co-operation and compromise; encourage this in relationships as an energy of goodwill and harmony.

Marriage can be a challenging experience – an ideal ‘school’ for vital insights and self-understanding. With both potential conflicts and opportunities for creative relations existing within the partnership, it can summarize your dilemma. You probably do know that your relationships could be more satisfying and meaningful, and you may recognize that intimacy does not just revolve around your needs alone. But your self-regard must expand to include others. Once you see that life could be much better by sharing and giving, your life can become a more peaceful and fulfilling one.

The cardinal Air sign, Libra, in contrast to Virgo, has a dynamic approach to the ‘You’. We are able to react positively to the environment and to do something about it. We need not feel uneasy at making certain demands of the environment, but first we should ask the world, just as Virgo asks the world: ‘What can I do for you?’ Then, on considering the reply, we can respond pleasantly. Our approach to society includes the attempt to come into harmony with it.

More especially, the native may wish to bring harmony to the world. Diplomacy can figure strongly in this placement of the Node – in the interests of concord of course. With hard aspects, various compromises may be made in order to come out on top and look good at the same time. In the extreme case, the native says something to one person while saying the exact opposite to someone else.

With the Libran Node, it is important to strike a balance between the ‘I’ and the ‘You’, to form a correct judgement, and to live in harmony with the world. For this, a measure of self-discipline is required. The emotions have to be held in check if one is to avoid being thrown off balance and being carried away by private feelings and opinions. This position of the Node places a restraint on idiosyncracy, excessive automony, and undue egocentricity.

Easy Methods to Reduce the Malefic Effects of Shani/Saturn for ALL

There are some easy methods to appease Shani/Saturn and thus reduce its Malefic Effects. These can be followed by anybody, irrespective of Saturn or Shani’s position in Birth Chart or its Dasha

1. Avoid wearing Black Clothes on Saturdays.
2. Avoid Purchase of IRON Articles(Not Stainless Steel), Edible Oils, Sesame Seeds and Black Gram on Saturdays.
3. Donate IRON(Not Stainless Steel) Articles(Ex Tools etc), Edible Oils, Sesame Seeds and Black Gram on Saturdays to Poor and Needy People.
4. Avoid Oily Food on Saturdays.
5. Recite the Shani Mantra 108 Times on all Saturdays. (Given at the beginning of the Previous Entry in this Blog) being reproduced below.

“Neelanjana Samaabhaasham RaviPutram Yamaagrajam
Chaaya Maartanda Sambhootam Tam Namami Shanaishcharam”

6. Tie a Plain Black Cotton Sring on the Arm or Waist with 8 Knots on it on Saturday and Dress should be such that it is not visible to others.



Stay Blessed
Houses and Their Significance

1. The first House: (The house of Self),

The ascendant, Lagna This is the most important house in the chart and plays an important role right throughout the life of an individual. It represents the physical stature, complexion, form and shape of an individual. The health, vigour, vitality and natural tendencies are controlled by this house. This also represents personality, jest for life, honour, dignity, well being, upper part of the face, longetivity and start in life.

2. The second House: (The house of wealth)

All money matters are governed by this house. Fortune, profits and gains, power and resources, security, material achievements , jewellery, shares, security, speech, eyes, vision, stocks and bonds, precious stones, memory, education, tongue, nose teeth, chin and family are governed by this house. This is also a maraka sthana or a death inflicting house.

3. The third House: (The house of courage and siblings)

The mental intellect and disposition is governed by this house. Courage and the ability to achieve things and complete tasks are represented by this house. Relationships with brothers and sister’s , assistance or otherwise from them are also studied from this house. Relations with neighbours, valour, short travels, communications&transport, correspondence, writing, change of residence, contracts, agreements, rumours carrying tales, hands, throat, shoulder blade, collar bones arms and nervous system are some things that this house gives information about

4. The fourth House: (The house of mother and pleasures)

Mother, native place, residence, domestic environment, grave, private affairs, secret life, luxury vehicles, fields, pastures, farms, orchards, mines, buildings, houses, ancestral property, hidden treasure, academic education, wells, water, milk, ponds, lakes etc, are represented by this house

5. The fifth house: (The house of progeny, romance and competition)

Progeny, whether one will have children or not, of what sex, inclination, recreation, pleasure, artistic talents, entertainment&amusement, sports, excelling in competitive activities likes crosswords, cards, games of chance, gambling or betting, love affairs, ambassadors, good or bad morals, mantra, tantra, religious mindedness, high learning and wisdom, enormus riches, spiritual practices etc are represented by this house.

6. The sixth house: (The house of enemy and disease)

Types of diseases, whether they will be curable or not, nursing, food, services, employees, sub ordinates or servants, debts, cattle, tenants, jealousy, enemies, maternal uncles, mental anguish are represented by this house

7. The Seventh House The house of marriage and partnerships):

Earthly ties and unions, legal bondage, spouse, partners in business, conjugal life, litigation, influence in foreign countries, success and reputation in foreign travels, dangers in life, Relationship with spouse, gains or losses after marriage, type of spouse and his/ her physical and mental disposition

8. The eighth House (The house of accidents and death)

Longetivity and span of life, inheritance, legacy, wills, insurance, pension, gratuity, accidents, fire or suicide, misery, misfortune, sorrow, strife, worries, disgrace, delay, dejection, disappointment, loss, obstruction, theft and robbery etc are represented by this house

9. The ninth House (The house of Fate and Fortune):

Faith, wisdom, divine worship, pilgrimages, philosophy, fortune, religious disposition, meditation, intuition, sacrifices and charity, father, Preceptor, learning and teaching, dreams and visions, long journeys, air and sea travel, higher education foreign travels, knees.

10. The tenth House (The house of profession):

Honour, dignity, public esteem, power and prestige, credit and recognition received for a task completed, success and staus, rank and renown, respect and fame, ambition, authority, permanency in job, promotion, advancememt in Job, appointments. Government, political power, high posts such as President etc, last rites to parents, honour from Government etc.

11. The eleventh house (The house of casual incomes and gains):

Friends, soceity, community, favorites, ambitions and wish fullfillment, gain of wealth, success in undertakings, incoming wealth, prosperity, elder brothers, recovery from illness, dawn of fortune, ankles

12. The twelfth house: (The house of expenses and Losses):

Losses and impediments, restraint and limitation, waste and extravagance, expenses whether good or bad, deception, investmets and donations, charity, misery and misfortune, sorrow and sin, secret ememies, involvement in scandals, disgrace and insults, secret sorrows. Sucess through occult affairs, the feet , left eye, left ear, bed pleasures, life and activities in foreign places Added to the house, the placement of planets, their lord and their placement in various houses are studied for an accurate analysis. There are various charts that are drawn to arrive at a correct conclusion.


Vedic Astrological Consultant
Technology. In g. implementation

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