Meditation Astro



You are determined, want to change, start your fitness journey, and see results. You go to the gym in your city and eat healthier. Your first week is going great, In week two you decide to go to the gym just three days a week instead of five, and in week three you\’re enjoying Netflix with a bag of Doritos and a can of Coke. Let\’s face it, forming new habits isn\’t easy. The initial motivation to want a change helps to start new habits, but that motivation doesn\’t last long and if we don\’t work to keep it going, it will go away in a few weeks or even days.

Today I\’m going to give you 6 tips on how to stay motivated to exercise and reach your fitness goals:

Set Goals

It\’s easy to give up when you don\’t have a specific goal. Therefore, you must write down your fitness goals before you go to the gym or start any exercise program. It can be helpful to follow the SMART technique when setting goals.

Specific: Your goals should be specific.

Measurable: Quantifying your goals makes it easier to achieve them, e.g: Lose 3 kg, reach 60 kg, fit into my size 38 jeans, etc.

Achievable: Don\’t set unrealistic goals. , that would make you give up easily.

 Relevant: Why are you setting the goal you are setting? Make sure your goals help you achieve what you want to achieve.

With a time limit: when do you want to reach your goal? Make sure your goals have a beginning and an end. 

2. Group Training

Training with others can not only help you stay motivated but also fosters social relationships that can lead to great experiences.

3. Change Your Workout Routine

Many people think that to get in shape they need to do the same workout routines that the experts do. The truth is that these programs are difficult to follow and therefore very easy to quit. There are many simple exercise routines you can follow to tone any muscle and achieve your fitness goals. Get everything

4. Get Everything Ready Before Going To Bed

The less you have to do in the morning before hitting the gym, the faster you\’ll be out of the house and not have time to think about your workout. When we think too much about an activity, we tend to put it off because it\’s too much for our brains.

5. Extra Energy

Sometimes we need extra energy to realize we need to exercise. It doesn\’t have to be a complete meal.

A piece of fruit, nuts, or a protein bar is enough to perform better during training.

6. Find A Local Personal Trainer

Perhaps you have already tried the things mentioned, but you still have motivation problems. That would be a good thing. Consider finding a personal trainer in your city. Personal trainers are very helpful to many people, not only because they encourage you to keep going, but also provide guidance and make sure you\’re doing the exercise correctly.

It\’s hard to stay motivated and if you don\’t have a plan, it\’s easy to give up. Now that you know some tips to stay motivated, let nothing stop you from achieving your fitness goals. Make some changes or maybe step out of your comfort zone, but at the end of the day, you will see positive results in your life when you develop healthy habits.

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