Meditation Astro



Most of us hit the gym to build a body we can be proud of. That means reducing our weight or increasing our height. For some, our goals are based solely on the sport we hope to play. Season, for others, is about body positivity and fulfillment. Of course, there is no truly perfect male physique, but that doesn\’t stop us from mentally striving for the perfect body. Bulking is when you are trying to build muscle.

Cutting is when you\’re trying to lose muscle. Depending on what phase you are at in your bodybuilding workout, you need to know how to complete both.

You must eat more than you burn.

Depending on your current exercise routine, the number of calories you need to maintain your body will vary. However, once you calculate that number, you should start eating more than that amount. But just a little bit more. The extra energy allows your body to build new muscles.

Eat protein, fat, and carbohydrates

The food you eat should be geared entirely toward muscle growth. That means eating lots of protein, fat, and carbohydrates. Fats give you the most glycogen (the nutrients needed to build muscle); it can hurt your heart. Therefore, you should balance it with protein and carbohydrates.


Finally, focus on lifting heavy weights for about 10 reps per set. Lifting heavy objects with constant reps will help wear down your muscles and make room for new muscle growth. Besides general powerlifting, you should focus on bodyweight powerlifting. That means practicing squats, bench presses, and resistance training. This type of workout forces you to use every part of your body while lifting your body weight.

How To Cut

Eat Slightly Less Than Your Calorie Needs

Remember that simply adding a deadlift to your workout will not strengthen your entire body, nor will it allow you to gain size evenly. Work every area of your body with body weight or heavy weights. Eat slightly less than your calorie needs. Don\’t rush to lose weight.

It can be tempting to cut your diet well below your calorie needs, knowing your body will lose your overall weight quickly. However, this weight loss does not last and puts pressure on your body, causing you to gain mass. difficult later in your strength training. Instead, calculate your calorie needs and then try to eat a little less. This forces your body to reduce its muscles to use energy. However, it will not put you at risk of dizziness or overexertion.

Remember that your mowing cycle should last longer than expected than to force yourself into dangerous terrain.

Eat Protein and Vegetable

Protein can help your muscles repair themselves quickly. This is important when cutting as you need your muscles to stay strong. when reducing. Unlike fat, protein does not contribute to muscle growth while repairing it.

You also need carbohydrates to prevent losing too much weight, while the majority of your meals should consist of vegetables to maintain your vitamins and minerals. Eating the right foods will keep you healthy during the cutting process and should not be ignored. Otherwise, you may feel dizzy, weak, and unable to concentrate.

Complete cardio

although you can continue strength training during the cutting phase.

You should use low-rep weights rather than heavy weights. The best exercise is cardio. Cardio will keep your muscles strong, but it will also break down unused fat or muscle. The body type is the general goal of cutting. As with weightlifting, don\’t try to run fast.

Instead, do your cardio at a steady pace for a long time. This will help you tone your muscles while reducing weight. However, you can still strive for improved weightlifting ability during this time. Don\’t expect major improvements.


To gain mass, you must eat more than your calorie needs.

These meals should contain fat, protein, and carbohydrates, and you should be lifting weights. To reduce your calorie intake, eat less than you need (within reason). These meals should primarily contain protein and vegetables. Exercise should be less weightlifting and more cardio.

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