Meditation Astro



Finding it impossible to get into a comfortable position at your desk in the middle of the afternoon? The problem could be a lack of exercise. Your body is designed to move, but modern lifestyles often result in you sitting longer than at any other time. in human history. How can you build more exercise into your life and feel better any time of the day? Learn how to fight stiffness and increase mobility with these five exercises.

1. Planks

One of the best ways to combat stiffness and lower back pain is to strengthen your core muscles. Planks are among the most effective core exercises for strengthening the whole body because they target the rectus abdominis (the \”six-pack\”), transverse abdominals, and internal and external obliques. To perform this move, start in a push-up position. Then hold the pose while tightening your abs. It\’s a good idea to start small, maybe 15-30 seconds, and gradually build up to a minute or more. Fun variations of this pose include:

Elbow planks – Lower yourself onto your elbows instead of assuming an upright push-up position, as the name suggests. suggests. This variant is useful when you have wrist ache or carpal tunnel syndrome.

Side planks – Integrate more of your internal and external obliques. Turn sideways by either stacking your feet or crossing one leg in front of you. Keep your bottom knee on the floor if you need an even gentler variation to build strength.

2. Thrusters

Fight against stiffness and increase mobility. They also contain a cardiovascular component that helps you clear brain fog with a quick burst of oxygen to your brain. It\’s helpful to have weights for this exercise, but you can substitute other heavy objects like books or water bottles when you\’re in the office. Hold one in each hand and place the weights on your shoulders as if preparing for a military press. crouch. While standing, extend your arms overhead into an overhead press.

3. Sun Salutations

Sun Salutations can affect all three components of a complete fitness program (strength, cardio, and flexibility) in one movement. If you want a quick burn to counteract stiffness and improve overall mobility, try the following variation:

  • Begin in mountain pose – Stand up straight, feet hip-width apart, and back straight. Inhale as you raise your hands above your head is within your range of motion. Inhale until your spine is flat.
  • Forward fold – exhale as you bend your knees and place your hands on the floor.
  • Plank to chaturanga – Jump back into the plank position. If this hurts your lower back, take a step back. Keep your elbows in. while slowly lowering your torso to the floor in a controlled manner. Use your arm strength to push him back into an upward dog or cobra position.
  • The downward-facing dog –Tuck your toes in and lift your hips, creating an inverted \”V\” shape. Take a deep breath while feeling the stretch in the back of your body. Then stand on tiptoe, and bend your knees. And hop your toes ahead to fulfill your hands. Bend forward before rising to stand in Mountain Pose. You can also slow down this movement and eliminate jumping. Why not play around with several variations and consciously choose the rhythm your body needs?

4. Tai Chi Twists

Your spine rotates, not moving in a single linear plane. This movement strengthens your core while gently stretching your core muscles and improving circulation. Stand upright with knees soft and legs about shoulder-width apart. Turn sideways and swing your arms like pendulums; It might be helpful to introduce yourself to the Denden from Karate Kid 2. Repeat until your core feels tight and toned.

5. Allover Yoga

Yoga has been around for thousands of years because it works. It\’s perhaps the best way to combat stiffness and increase mobility, and you don\’t have to join a shala or a studio to incorporate it into your life. Instead, reap the benefits by starting and ending your day with a few minutes of exercise at home. This could fight back pain, and you can find dozens of short videos for free on YouTube to get you started. Find out how to love the benefits as you grow in your practice and reap mental and emotional rewards. If so, honor your new healthy routine by establishing a quiet space in your home. Simple steps like lighting a candle can help eliminate distractions and make your workout time a feast for the mind and body.

Combat Stiffness And Increase Mobility Through Exercise

If you\’re feeling uncomfortably stiff at midday, you may need more exercise in your life. Lack of exercise can harm your health. Luckily, these exercises will improve your mobility. Master the steps above and you\’ll be ready to embark on your journey to wellness.

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