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Main Positions of Vedic Yoga and their Relationship with Vedic Mantras.

Main Positions of Vedic Yoga and their Relationship with Vedic Mantras.

Yoga Vedic

Vedic Yoga is an ancient practice that combines physical postures (asanas), conscious breathing (pranayama), meditation and Vedic mantras. The practice aims to unite body, mind and spirit.

The main positions of Vedic yoga:

Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation): A sequence of 12 postures that are synchronized with the breath. It is associated with the mantra “Om Surya Namaha”, which honors the Sun god as the source of life.

Standing asanas: Strengthen the legs and spine. They are associated with mantras that invoke strength and stability, such as “Om Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu” (may all beings be happy).

Forward bending asanas: They stretch the spine and the posterior muscles of the legs. They are associated with mantras that invoke introspection and humility, such as “Om Shanti Shanti Shanti” (peace, peace, peace).

Back extension asanas: Open the chest and shoulders. They are associated with mantras that invoke expansion and opening of the heart, such as “Om Anahata” (the heart chakra).

Twisting asanas: They stimulate digestion and flexibility of the spine. They are associated with mantras that invoke purification and transformation, such as “Om Namah Shivaya” (reverence to Shiva, the god of transformation).

Balance asanas: Develop concentration and stability. They are associated with mantras that invoke stillness and inner peace, such as “Om Mani Padme Hum” (the jewel in the lotus).

Inverted asanas: Calm the mind and rejuvenate the body. They are associated with mantras that invoke connection with the divine, such as “Om Sahasrara” (the crown chakra).

Meditation Vedic

Relationship with Vedic mantras:

Vedic mantras are sacred sounds that are recited during the practice of Vedic yoga. They are believed to have a vibrational power that can affect the mind, body and spirit.

Mantra recitation is synchronized with breathing and yoga postures, creating a holistic experience that integrates body, mind and spirit.

Benefits of the practice:

  • Improves flexibility, strength and endurance.
  • Reduces stress and anxiety.
  • Increases concentration and mental clarity.
  • Promotes inner peace and general well-being.

If you want to learn about Vedic meditation? Write to us by WhatsApp and request more information.


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