Meditation Astro

Training Meditation

Meditation is a technique for training the mind, just as fitness is a technique for training the body. Today, it is practiced all over the world to create a sense of peace and inner harmony. In fact, meditation is not so much about faith as it is about changing consciousness, finding awareness and finding peace. Plus, it includes an easy way to help you achieve better health and a peaceful life.

Due to the busy daily life of today’s modern life, most of the people feel stressed. Stress and fatigue make us feel frustrated, irritable and depressed. It can even have a negative impact on our health and life. Most of us are so busy that we don’t think we have time to meditate. But meditation gives you more time as a mediator, keeping your mind fresh and focused.

Types of Meditation
1. Concentration.
2. Mindfulness.
3. Focused
4. Open monitoring
5. Effortless Presence
6. Vipassana
7. Loving Kindness
8. Mantra
9. Transcendental
10. Yoga
11. Sound
12. Breathing
13. Emptiness
14. Guided meditation
15. Heart Rhythm
16. Kundalini
17. Guided Visualization
18. Qi Gong
19. Zazen
20. Spiritual
21. Movement
22. Chanting
23. Compassion
24. Body scan or progressive relaxation
25. Breath awareness
26. Kundalini yoga
27. Zen
28. Primordial Sound
29. Shiva
30. Raja Yoga
31. Dynamic
32. kriya Yoga
32. Soul


Meditation has many benefits for physical and mental health. Meditation can also help us understand our own mind. We can find effective ways to shift our thoughts from negative to positive, from anxiety to peace, from sadness to joy.
See the benefits of mediation
more comfort
More fun, less stress
deeper relaxation
Lower blood pressure
better blood circulation
lower heart rate
less sweat
slow breathing
reduce anxiety.

How do beginners start meditating?

In a busy world where our minds are mostly dull, meditation allows us to relax and refine our awareness. In fact, there are different types and techniques of meditation that help you get the most out of it.

How to learn to meditate?

Well, for beginners, it can be really hard to sit in one place for a long time, thinking about doing nothing or closing the “hole”. Once you know your hunger for help, we’ve put together some practical lessons to help you get started. Generally speaking, the easiest way to start meditating is to focus on your breath.
This meditation practice is a great introduction to meditation techniques.
Sit or lie down comfortably. You can also use a chair or a pillow. Close your eyes. Instead of trying to control your breathing, start breathing naturally. Pay more attention to your breathing, where your body moves with each inhale and exhale. Observe the pressure in your body as you breathe. Pay attention to your chest, shoulders, chest and stomach. Just be aware of your breathing, but don’t control its rate or concentration. If your mind wanders, focus on your breath.

Join the meditation retreat in Nepal with our training program, we consider we have the best meditation spaces in Kathmandu.

If you are interested in a retreat, check out our meditation program in Nepal.

Live a life of structure and knowledge on a 5-day meditation retreat in Nepal. Experiment with your knowledge of Haas yoga and meditation practices. Find yourself reading philosophies written by ancient sages/yogis and trying to apply their teachings in your daily life. Long stretches and exercises may sound monotonous to some, but it is the only way to improve yourself. A 5 day meditation retreat in Nepal is a must for anyone who wants to understand their own abilities and release stress.

Day 1: Arrival at Kathmandu Tribhuvan International Airport
A meditation retreat in Nepal begins when you arrive in Kathmandu. When you arrive at our center, our operator will meet you. It would make a wonderful retreat and you could do a full meditation session if you wanted to. Our trained teachers will walk you through the pros and cons of meditation. They will also teach you different ways to improve your meditation skills.
Since it’s the first day, we won’t be in class anymore, but we’ll start the class with an introduction and meditation. Maybe you’re tired from a long flight or returning from a Himalayan trek. End the day with a welcome dinner. At night in Kathmandu.


From the 2nd to the 5th day

The meditation retreat starts from the second day. A detailed itinerary cannot be provided as it is solely up to the teacher to teach. However, we can give you an outline of what your day is going to look like during this meditation retreat in Nepal. You will follow a structured lifestyle fit for yoga. 6: Wake up

7.00 to 8.00: Hatha yoga asana

8.00 to 10.00: breakfast

10.00 to 11.00: Meditation course

12.00 to 14.00: lunch break

14.00 to 15.00: Yoga asana

15.00 to 16.00: break

4:00 PM to 5:00 PM: Meditation session


If you sleep late, start getting up early. You know what they say, “The early bird gets the worm.” Once you have completed your morning tasks, we can begin the day’s activities.

Hatha Yoga
Hatha yoga is an integral part of yoga, yes, that’s how you think about yoga in general. In this yoga, you will practice improving your breath, mind and body. This session lasts approximately 1 hour. Classical Hatha Yoga dates back to the 15th century and involves teaching yoga, pranayama, asanas, breathing exercises and gestures.
In this meditation retreat in Nepal we try to cover various topics but due to time constraints we may not be able to reach an advanced level. Our teachers will guide you through the most important points and concepts. This course also covers the basics of learning yoga and its theoretical aspects. If you have more time, we can go into more detail and take an advanced meditation class.


Haas Yoga consists of many asanas and poses. They range from basic to advanced. The teacher will teach you the trades based on your experience and skill level.
You will practice asanas like Sarvangasana, Camel Pose, halasana, sirasana, maatsyasana, Bhujangasana and many more. The whole session involves stretching, breathing and stretching again. It might be hard at first, but you’ll get used to it. We will spend at least an hour on the subject of yoga.

meditation and breathing
At the end of the day you will take a meditation session. Once you are familiar with the basics of meditation, your teacher will teach you advanced meditation techniques such as guided meditation, mindfulness meditation, and Buddha-style meditation.
The meditation sessions last 2 hours a day and will give you a deeper understanding of the components of meditation and breathing. You will be a new person when you complete this meditation retreat in Nepal.

Check directly the costs for our meditation program.



Meditation with resolution of deep-seated unconscious search deep looks at nature.
Having contact with nature and exchanging experiences and generating a balance with meditation is part of the essence of being…
Steps of meditation are:
1) “nityo” means regular.
2) “suddho” means making pure our soul.
3) “Buddho” state of BUDDHA which is called Nirvana or smadhi.
4) “Shivo” means get connected with lord shiva which is source of whole universe and no one remains Human in this state they are known as god.
These are steps meditation and your breath is only a tools which can drive you to get all state.

