Meditation Astro

What is Vedic astrology or Jyotish

It is a science originated in the Himalayas. It was decoded by the Wise Rishis, and is considered not only the most complete Astrology, but the mother of all cosmic knowledge sciences that we know today. Jyotish can be translated as “Science of Light” given its Sanskrit root Jyoti which means splendor or divine irradiation. It is the science that allows the knowledge of the soul and its purpose through the study of the planetary and stellar influences that are exerted on the human being. It has shaped the decisions of conscious humanity for thousands of years, and keeping it active and in force is of vital importance for the planet and each individual soul in the times we live in. 


Astrological chart reading

Astral chart Rahu and Ketu Karmic Chart – Reading Request Nakshatra Mandala: Chart based on Fixed Star Reading, Dasa Pravesha: Chart based on Solar and Lunar Revolution Reading together, Astrodiagnosis – Ayur-Jyotish


Meditaton And Yoga

I teach from a deep spiritual and philosophical perspective, not only to achieve greater physical and mental well-being but also, from the wisdom of this knowledge, to understand a little more about yourself.



My goal is to accompany you and help you on the path of personal and spiritual growth



I use ancient and ancient astrology to help you find answers that may concern you in your life path and to guide you towards a healthy and balanced change.

Meditation, Astronomy & Yoga

Astrological and Energetic Center

“Astrology is the study of man’s response to planetary stimuli. The stars have no conscious benevolence or animosity; they simply emit positive and negative radiations. By themselves, they neither help nor harm mankind, but offer a channel legitimate for the external operation of balances of cause and effect that each man has set in motion in the past. A child is born on that day and at that hour when the celestial rays are in mathematical harmony with his individual karma. Contact me to reserve a encounter to self-mirror life and find a deep-seated unconscious quest to guide, as this is the seed of mind/moon and soul/sun.

Vedic Astrology Course

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Astrological chart reading

A powerful tool to improve your self-knowledge, with the personalized interpretation of your birth chart you will be able to know the planets, the houses, the signs and aspects that govern your natal chart.

Starting From USD 27

Meditation And Yoga

Harmonize your body, your mind with your spirit, achieve balance and develop your integral strength.

Services and Prices Here.


It is important to note that a guide to direct individual development focused on spiritual balance is not something done blindly. It is not just a formality, the relationship between myself and you will be very important in one’s life. I invite you to work together to achieve that ideal path for your comprehensive renewal. What can you expect from the guide? I stimulate processes of introspection and personal knowledge, this will guide you in the search for balance in your lifestyle, help you reduce stress and overcome limitations and fears, teach you how to live consciously, understanding your true nature, and leading to empowerment personal and alignment with your life purpose. The first meeting aims to get to know you and understand your inner and outer nature. It is essential to analyze the body and mind based on the Ayurvedic approach of the biological constitution (vata, pitta, kapha) and through the guna typology (tamas, rajas, sattva). Once the analysis is completed, it is possible to choose the best and most effective approach for the combination of the biological and mental disposition of the person in order to find the balance.

Request a pre-appointment here.



I offer you personalized consultations to help you find greater self-knowledge, physical-mental well-being and Personal Improvement. Occupying the Jyotish Veda, Ayur-Veda principles and Yoga Vedanta practices. When requesting your consultation you can ask about the birth chart, solar return, transits, dashas and more. The fundamental thing is that we can have a preliminary conversation to guide you in the best way. When requesting your consultation you can ask about the birth chart, solar return, transits, dashas and more. The fundamental thing is that we can have a preliminary conversation to guide you in the best way. I will be available to give you the information of what you need or are interested in. The consultation can be by hour or by study. The consultations offer guidance through individual solutions and recommendations with strategies for change, and how to properly use and integrate them in everyday life. These include diet and lifestyle recommendations, Yoga exercises such as pranayama (develop breath awareness), meditation and mantras, among others, and all in accordance with the individual Ayurvedic constitution.

Vedic Astrology is applied in Vedic Guidance, since it clarifies the aspects identified in the first consultation, as well as adds an understanding of karma and dharma (life purpose). It is an important tool for understanding karmic influences (karmic management).

Request a pre-appointment here.

Meditation, Astrology & Yoga

Request Your Appointment

Spiritual Development

Meditation, Astrology & Yoga

Make An Appointment

Start your way to a harmonious change of life and happiness.

Our location

City, Kathmandú, 44600, Nepal.

Opening Hours

Mon-Fri: 6am-10pm
Sat-Sun: 8am-2pm


Phone: +977 98-41647283

