Meditation Astro

Energy products to
transform your life.


Products for energy balance and spiritual expansion.

Gems and Jewels

Gems and stars are paired, they are in tune, they are in direct contact, forming an indissoluble unit. This is the secret of the wonderful properties of the gems associated with Astrology, since each one of them has its twin star, of the same color and identical vibration. The gems correct imbalances, counteracting deficiencies, correcting deficiencies, neutralizing excesses, alleviating tensions and redistributing energies in the psychic or energetic body of the human being, creating new possibilities.

Rudraksha And Malas

This element has interesting electromagnetic, paramagnetic, diamagnetic and dynamic polarity properties on contact with the skin, which give it surprising benefits. The changes in the individual are notable and it is necessary to know their uses and balances.

Incense and Herbs.

The sense of smell… is very connected to the brain… the nose can be said to be the gateway to the brain and consciousness with its emotions. When an aroma enters the brain, it activates the ionic channels, very little known, but very present in it… if the aroma is unpleasant, it produces an immediate negative effect of disturbance, anger and rejection. However, on the contrary, if the aroma that is perceived through the nose is pleasant and soft, the effect is completely opposite, of tranquility, well-being, calm… it will relieve the mental state of anxiety, depression, confusion… therefore, the aromas , in any of its “notes”, whether soft or more intense… effects are surprising on our consciousness and emotions.

Singing Bowls

The bowls are made in Nepal, hand beaten and chosen specifically for their look, sound and quality. The bowls can be used in yoga, music therapy, sound healing and religious ceremonies, they are played to signal the beginning and end of silent meditation cycles. The bowls emit very pure tones, close to sine waves. Its sound is synonymous with purity for our ears.

Here you will find authentic bowls from Nepal, and I am privileged to offer you the arts of my country.

Meet Essential Products For Your Life, See Which One Is Right For You.

Rudraksha & Malas
Jewel Rings
Incense & Spices
Singing Bowls
