Meditation Astro



Squatting sucks. There is no debate; They are easily the most feared exercise in the lifting community.

However, they are also one of the most effective exercises a lifter can perform.

The results speak for themselves. Barbell squats as they are great for building size and strength in a time-efficient way.

If you\’re a real bro, you know, Leg Day Captain, you can barely sit on a Buck 85, chicken thigh dude, well I\’m here to save you. I want you to join the movement and help heal Golf T Syndrome.

It\’s a pervasive disease among the Tik Tok generation and I want to cure it. If you have Golf T Syndrome, read this article cover to cover as I explain how, why, and when to squat.

If you already do squats and have some nice logs, now is the time to rejoice and indulge while I talk about how cool squats are.

This is to teach you the importance of squats.

Why are squats so important?

Squats are one of the Big 6 exercises for me. Many powerlifters might try to brainwash you into thinking that all you have to do is do the holy trinity, also known as SBD (squat, bench press, and deadlift).

At the other extreme are bodybuilders who perform over a million exercises per workout.

I think there are 6 basic exercises that every strength athlete should be doing.  They are:

  1. bench press s
  2. quat deadlift
  3. Overhead Press
  4. Pull Ups / Pull Ups
  5. Bent Over Rows

You can do variations on the Big 6, but you can\’t completely ignore and replace them.

For example, you can swap out the bench press for an incline or dumbbell press, but you can\’t completely swap it out for something like a cable fly or hammer press.

Well, since squats are one of the Big 6 in my opinion, that means they\’re a must. This doesn\’t mean you have to do barbell squats exclusively, as you can do a variation if you prefer.

Some variations I find acceptable are

  • Front Squats
  • SSB Squats
  • Box Squats
  • Pause Squats
  • Dumbbell Split Squats
  • (you need to work more glutes)
  • Belt SquatsGoblet Squats
  • (beginners only, first 1-2 months)

Note that I don\’t have a leg press, squat, or any other type of leg machine here. Well, that\’s because machines are simply inferior to free weights, sorry but the truth hurts. Side note: Free weight squats are also a lot more cost-effective if you\’re thinking of building a home gym.

A good power stand is significantly cheaper than a good leg press. Why are squats in the Big 6?

Why are they compulsory exercise?

Squats Work the Whole Body

It\’s true that squats primarily stimulate the growth of the lower body, specifically the quadriceps, lower back, and glutes.

But squats guarantee a full-body growth response. Fitness culture has this tendency to focus on isolated things.

separate your upper and lower body, try to work specific muscle groups, etc. This isn\’t a bad thing, it\’s very clever, but we have to remember that the body is a unique entity.

Full-body squats up and down with this bar, that\’s why it\’s so hard. Your whole body gets fatigued and stimulated during a squat. This suggests that the exercise guarantees a reaction from your whole body.

The squat stimulates tons of muscle growth, second only to the deadlift (another extremely hard full-body exercise). If you haven\’t already, add some squats to your routine. Start squatting at least 2x a week and watch the muscles grow like weeds.

Squat Building Character

Heavy squats are hard!

If you\’ve done a hard set of squats, you know what I\’m talking about. It\’s a full-body experience that will leave you trembling and breathless.

The second most difficult compound movement (in my opinion). Lateral tangent: If you can deadlift heavy, you can squat heavy. These hard and brutal compound exercises will make you stronger both mentally and physically.

You don\’t have to train as Dorion Yates did in the blood and guts era, but you certainly have to try harder than your average commercial asshole. Squats and deadlifts separate the average population from the weightlifting population.

It takes a certain kind of courage and relentlessness to get PR at each of these steps and push it. Doing a PR in a squat or deadlift is like running headfirst into a fire. You know it will be painful, but you keep going despite the consequences.


Well if this article has made you add squats to your next workout, great! Hopefully, I\’ve cured any gym friends suffering from flamingo leg syndrome. it doesn\’t look good.

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