Meditation Astro

Blog Jyotish & Védic Astrology

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Jyotish: Ancient knowledge that balances your being.

Vedic astrology as mother science, is originally from India and from it derives yoga as divine revelation, along with astrology, music, mantras and Ayurveda (the science of health), which were originally branches of the same science. The Jyotica is, therefore, spiritual in nature and is structured to help understand the personal karma that will allow correcting the inner nature of the being. To understand the action of Jyotish, you have to observe karma because it is the beginning of action and reaction, causality, the universal law. All action based on thought and intention results in the things you are getting at some point in life. Circumstances that you have to go through, which can be both happy and painful, depending on the way you act. Life is a school of learning, through trial and error. Any selfish or harmful action causes pain and teaches us a lesson, and any act of generosity, altruism or evolution creates an environment conducive to enlightenment and happiness.

The effects of actions can take time to manifest, and one life is not enough to learn everything. So reincarnation exists as a way to continue learning, to reap the fruits of the past. When we are born, we are not random at any place at any time, but according to our past karma, we will continue our to-do list at the respective place. The Vedas declare that the planets and stars are the vehicles of karma, and by analyzing their position at birth we can understand what our prarabda karma is, the karma that will manifest in this life, and samskaras, our past subconscious mental impressions or tendencies. However, the Vedic concept is not fatalistic, it emphasizes that through agami or kriyamana karma, the karma we produce here allows us to correct our past and create a new destiny.

Vedic Astrology

Vedic astrology works with the position of the moon, that is Rising or Lunar Sign. This is because all life experiences and their opposites are caused by the heart, the moon. Emotions are the way a person experiences the world. Karma is created and experienced in the mind and then transferred to the physical or physical plane. Another unique tool of Vedic astrology is the Dasha or planetary cycle system, which can be used to predict life cycles and manifestations of important events very accurately.

Vedic astrology works more on the position of the moon than on that of the sun. Although the position of the sun is, of course, very important to each sign, it is usually not the western sun sign, but rather its rising or moon sign. This is because all life experiences and their opposites are caused by the heart, the moon. Emotions are the way a person experiences the world.

Karma is created and experienced in the mind and then transferred to the physical or physical plane. Another unique tool of Vedic astrology is the Dasha or planetary cycle system, which can be used to predict life cycles and manifestations of important events very accurately.

As a perception of ourselves, Jyotish gives us an invisible dimension of life that allows us to better use our time and energy in the right direction. It gives us an insight into the fundamental issues of our life: its direction, purpose, health, family, wealth, marriage, education and spirituality and any other issues.

Something to watch.

How is the planetary action in each individual? His name in Sanskrit and his influence on us.

  • Sun (Surya) Provides vigor and expression.
  • Moon (Chandra) Rules the mind and emotions.
  • Mars (Mangal) Fires anger and action.
  • Mercury (Budha) Intervenes with intelligence and innocence.
  • Jupiter (Guru) His presence brings wisdom and gratification
  • Venus (Shukra) intervenes in your passion and happiness.
  • Saturn (Shani) Is devotion and sacrifice.
  • North Node (Rahu) Affects the material world.
  • South Node (Ketu) Affects the spiritual world.

Regarding the Jyotish reading, it is important to note that Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are analyzed differently and are not used. In their place are the South and North Nodes, Ketu and Raju, they are extremely important, they are as powerful as the planets. Although the measurements are slightly different than in Western astrology, you may not have the same zodiac sign as in Western astrology.

How to go deeper

Denish from Meditation Astro gives consultations and guidance both face-to-face and online and also gives various personal sessions to analyze your present and help you with your future. If you want to talk to Denish contact him here.

Learn more here. 

